Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Food Pyramid Has Been Replaced

Remember in school where we were taught about the food pyramid?

Remember how we were to eat lots of grains, fruits and vegetables and use oils and sweets in very small quantities? Well, all of that has changed! American researchers have found that the food pyramid is no longer a good source for nutrition, and instead they introduced My Plate!

The idea of My Plate is to enjoy all of your food but in small quantities. Notice how they advise us to eat less grains and more vegetables and fruits? It definitely makes sense to me... You can't eat lots of grains and expect yourself to be in a perfect shape! They you advise us to include dairy in our meals, and drink water instead of sugary drinks.

What do you think about the new research?

Summer! Summer!

It's summer and everyone is heading to the beach where the weather is nice! And if you are a fashionista and love beautiful things, I've got two beautiful things for you this summer.

If I would buy one bikini and one maxi dress this summer, these would be them:

This cute maxi dress screams out SUMMER! You can buy it for $264 at

And this bikini, isn't it adorable? I love the yellow and brownstripes, and the halter neck! Oh and the bow sides! I just love it. You can get the set for $76, which is a very reasonable price, at

Happy shopping!

Mission is in Progress!

I realize that I haven't posted lately, that's because I've been too busy with things in my life...

BUT, I'm soo happy to report that I am losing weight! Slowly but steadily. Part of it because I was sick for more than two weeks, and also because I rarely eat dinner these days, just a big late lunc (at 6 pm) and that's about it!

I'm motivated to lose even more weight because it's summer time, which means it's beach and pool time. I still have 6 kgs to reach my weight goal so I'm not that far and I know I can do it now like I did it before!

I still need to share tips about losing weight, just as soon as I get the time to do that, I promise I will!